Column: Creating a stir with choice of Christmas puds

Karen Wright with her chocolate bombKaren Wright with her chocolate bomb
Karen Wright with her chocolate bomb
It was Stir Up Sunday last weekend, the day when we traditionally make our Christmas puddings. Stir up Sunday always falls the weekend before Advent and that is when we know Christmas is on the way.

Rules in place this year will impact how we plan for Christmas: small turkeys perhaps?

I have spied plenty of homes decked with Christmas trimmings and they do bring a smile to my face writes Karen Wright.

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Back to Christmas puddings, in our house almost everyone loves it, served with brandy sauce, or for my husband it has to be custard. I have one I made last year still so shall be serving it even if just our own party bubble.

For those not partial to the plum pudding of Dickensian days, there are many options including a chocolate version. I was asked recently by Yorkshire company Cartwright and Butler to create a Christmas dessert using their products.

This no-bake chocolate bomb is what I designed. The recipe can be found in full at

The filling is just whipped cream with melted chocolate stirred in and a selection of dried fruits, nuts, glace cherries, crushed biscuits and a bit of booze mixed in. I then greased a pudding basin and lined with cling film.

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The filling goes in the bowl and is frozen overnight. After removing it from the basin a dark chocolate ganache is poured over it, followed by white chocolate ganache.

It can be kept in the fridge for a few days, so is perfect for making in advance and it certainly has the WOW factor.

One thing we are still able to enjoy is fresh air. This morning I went for a walk to Seckar woods. It is a grand walk, not far and so quiet. Although quite cold the sun was bright, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Making the most of what we have on our doorsteps costs nothing.

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My eldest daughter lives in Brighton and during lockdown has taken up sea swimming. She says she finds it exhilarating. I will take her word on that!

Same time same place next week, stay safe!