Politically speaking: Jon Trickett MP says 'No child should go hungry during the holidays'

In his latest column, Hemsworth MP Jon Trickett discusses free school meals and support for families.In his latest column, Hemsworth MP Jon Trickett discusses free school meals and support for families.
In his latest column, Hemsworth MP Jon Trickett discusses free school meals and support for families.
In his latest column, Hemsworth MP Jon Trickett discusses free school meals and support for families.

I have fought against poverty and injustice all my political life.

However, I have never experienced a situation in which the government blatantly refuses to prevent 11,090 children in Wakefield and, over one million nationally, from going hungry during the school holidays. It really tells you something about this Tory government’s priorities.

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I voted in favour of a Labour motion put to parliament last week that aimed to reverse the government’s decision.

I had hoped that all our local members of parliament would have voiced their concern for children in Wakefield with one voice. But this was not the case. Disappointingly, some elected members from the Wakefield area voted against this motion, which failed to pass.

I would hope that the approach of Christmas and the prospect of even more families falling into poverty as a result of the second lockdown, will melt even the hard hearts of these people.

I have no patience with the view that this level of provision is something we as a nation cannot afford.

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We are one of the richest economies in the world. When the government is paying consultants £7,000 a day, it seems unbelievable that we cannot find the money to stop kids going hungry in half-term.

But let’s be clear: This is a priority for our Labour council. That is why I support the decision by the Wakefield Council leader Denise Jeffery to do what is needed to ensure children don’t go hungry across the district, especially over the Christmas period. Not only does she have my full support, but I have also raised this matter in parliament by submitting a parliamentary motion.

However, our focus must not stop there. Across Wakefield many are struggling to make ends meet. Despite working hard and abiding by government Covid-19 restrictions, they are increasingly living below the breadline.

Worryingly, we have seen a significant increase in the use of local food banks. A brand new food bank in Havercroft in my constituency has been set up since the start of the pandemic in order to meet the growing needs of local people.

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I am immensely proud of the generosity and community spirit in my Hemsworth constituency of people, faith organisations and local groups coming together to help ensure no one goes hungry during these difficult times.

While we all want to see the end to the need of foodbanks, people need them now. It is the least we can do.

It is not good enough that in our country some folk cannot afford to feed their kids. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed deep and entrenched levels of poverty. We need a bold new programme to eradicate this so no child ever has to go hungry.

So no parent ever has to skip meals to feed their child.

It is imperative that the government brings forward an action plan to end food poverty once and for all. It is not too much to ask to live in a society where there is no such thing as holiday hunger. Where people no longer have to work all the hours they can get and still be short of money.

Let’s give people and families a fair deal.

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These are trying times. I will continue to campaign to ensure no child goes hungry during the holidays and demand that locally we get the support that is needed to protect jobs, livelihoods and those in most need.