Law partner tackles 80-mile cycle challenge

John Burman and Nick Ward-Lowery.John Burman and Nick Ward-Lowery.
John Burman and Nick Ward-Lowery.
A Pontefract law partner swapped the courtroom for the cycle track when he took on an 80-mile challenge in aid of a patient safety charity.

Nick Ward-Lowery, a medical negligence solicitor with Heptonstalls Solicitors, completed the Tour de Tees challenge in Cambridgeshire to raise funds for Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA).

He crossed the finish line in just over five hours.

Despite having previously run the London Marathon, Mr Ward-Lowery said this was his toughest challenge yet.

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He said: “I thought I might struggle in the last half, since my training consisted of one 15 mile ride, and it was very cold, and I was in shorts.

“However, the feed station at 40 miles revived me with flapjack, Haribo and moral support.

“After that the last few miles went swimmingly.”

Mr Ward-Lowery raised more than £300 for the charity, which provides free, independent advice and support to people affected by medical accidents.

John Burman, managing partner at Heptonstalls, on Ropergate Service Road, said: “As a firm we like to put back into the community where we can.

“We have a long established relationship with AvMA and efforts such as Nick’s challenge fit well with our own commitment to assisting victims through the legal process.”