Meet the new 'calm and strong' Mayor of Wakefield known for his 'wicked sense of humour'

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Councillor Darren Byford has been sworn in as Wakefield district’s new mayor.

Coun Byford was formally appointed at Wakefield Council’s annual general meeting and mayor making ceremony held at the city’s County Hall on Thursday.

A councillor since 2016, he represents Horbury and South Ossett ward.

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He will support Memory Action Group Wakefield (MAG) as his chosen charity during his term of office, which provides a peer support group for people living with dementia and their carers.

Wakefield Council Mayor Making 2024. Left to right: Deputy Mayor Maureen Tennant-King, Mayor Darren Byford, Wakefield Council Chief Executive Tony Reeves.Wakefield Council Mayor Making 2024. Left to right: Deputy Mayor Maureen Tennant-King, Mayor Darren Byford, Wakefield Council Chief Executive Tony Reeves.
Wakefield Council Mayor Making 2024. Left to right: Deputy Mayor Maureen Tennant-King, Mayor Darren Byford, Wakefield Council Chief Executive Tony Reeves.

Coun Byford’s husband, Peter Davis, will be the mayor’s consort.

Coun Byford told the meeting: “I will endeavour to promote the image and importance of our district and will strive to maintain the council’s objectives and promote the democratic society in which we all live.

“I promise that I will make every effort to be an ambassador for the district and for this council.”

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Maureen Tennant-King, who has represented Featherstone ward since 2016, has been appointed deputy mayor.

Coun Byford replaces retiring mayor Josie Pritchard, who will continue to serve as a councillor for Altofts and Whitwood.

During her year in office, Coun Pritchard help raise £17,688 for Andy’s Man Club.

Council leader Denise Jeffery paid tribute to the new mayor, saying: “Darren, you have had a great career in local government over the years.

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“You are a superb ambassador for our district. You are known for your humour – wicked at times – but you are a calm and strong person.

“You will probably need to be as you move forward.

“I know the people of Horbury are extremely proud that we are putting you forward today as the mayor.

“They have supported you and they know you have supported them.”

Coun Jeffery also praised Coun Pritchard, saying: “We have had some superb mayors and each year they raise the bar.

“You have certainly raised the bar this year.

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“Everybody brings their own style to the mayoralty and you have brought yours.

“The fundraising that you have done has been really amazing.

“When you have been out around the district you have made such an impression on the people that you have visited.

“You have made them all feel that they are important to you.”