Express readers have their say on new Wakefield dog walking centre plans

Water Lane in Middlestown. Picture by GoogleWater Lane in Middlestown. Picture by Google
Water Lane in Middlestown. Picture by Google
Express readers had their say on plans for a new dog walking centre in Wakefield.

The dog walking centre on Water Lane is Middlestown has been granted planning permission despite residents concerns over barking, privacy, and a 6ft fence.

Planning officers approved the plans subject to a number of condition, including dogs only being walked 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday, no more than two dogs being walked at a time, and no additional lighting installed.

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But 16 residents wrote letters of objection to Wakefield Council over the plans.

One person said: “My main objection would be to one of noise. If a number of dogs are to be exercised either together or even singularly there will be barking and the enclosure is situated immediately behind a number of residential properties.”

Another said: “Having recently moved to Water lane with the sole purpose of retirement in mind, the potential noise levels would be unbearable.

“This application will also lead to not only environmental issues due to increased traffic activities regarding access to Water Lane, but also to safety issues.

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“The street is already heavily congested with vehicles, and the safety of the residents, particularly the children, should be of paramount importance.”

And a further comment said: “Totally unsuitable for the area and why would anyone pay to walk their dogs around a field when the beautiful coxley woods are less than 100 yards away.”

“It is unacceptable that I will lose privacy in my back garden, something I have enjoyed for many years, I often work outside or enjoy relaxing in the peaceful environment.”

Readers shared their thoughts on this story on our Facebook page.

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Bernadette Marie said: “Not all dogs are reactive barkers, I have two pomchis and they only bark when they feel threatened.”

Neil Roberts said: “Think the neighbours are worried it could turn into a ruff neighbourhood.”

Kelly Smith said: “Don’t understand the issue with walking dogs.”

Liz Newton said: “With all due respect, those objections were rubbish.”

Jason Handlovics said: “Can’t wait to bring my akitas here! They will love it.”