Here's how you can recreate your favourite romantic scenes this Valentine's

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VonHaus has revealed how you can re-create your favourite romantic scenes at home. From The Notebook to 500 Days of Summer, replicate these iconic romantic movie moments and revel in Hollywood romance.

Here are some top tips on how you can recreate their most iconic scenes from the comfort of your own home.

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The Notebook

The moment where Noah and Allie meet in The Notebook is unforgettable. To recreate this fairground scene, you're going to need:

  • Arts and crafts supplies
  • Corndogs
  • Fries
  • Ice-cream maker
  • Ice-cream ingredients
  1. Cover your ceilings and walls with fairy lights to really enhance the atmosphere.
  2. Next, add some fun to your at-home fairground by making handmade signs and fairground games, like hook a duck or bust-a-balloon.
  3. To add some romance to your date, make your own home-made kissing booth.
  4. Finally, it wouldn't be a fairground without the food, so stock up on some delicious corndogs, salty fries, and ice-cream to round off your date in the perfect way. If you're feeling adventurous, you could make the ice-cream yourself with an ice-cream maker.

500 Days of Summer

Although the plot doesn't follow the typical heart-warming love story, there are some heart fluttering scenes within. One quintessential scene being when Tom and Summer have their first date at Summer's apartment. To re-create this scene, all you need is:

  • A bed
  • Blankets
  • Cushions
  • Comfy pyjamas
  • Scented candles
  • Chocolate covered strawberries
  1. Pick out your most comfortable PJ's.
  2. Decorate your bed with lots of blankets and cushions.
  3. Light some scented candles to set the scene.
  4. Make some chocolate covered strawberries to sweeten the mood of your date.

When Harry met Sally

If you're looking for something to make you laugh this Valentine's Day, transform your kitchen into the iconic restaurant featured in the film and re-enact Sally's performance. To set the scene, you're going to need:

  • A traditional table set up, complete with condiments and crockery
  • Toastie maker
  • Grilled cheese ingredients
  • Your finest acting skills
  1. Decorate your table complete with condiments and crockery.
  2. Grab your toastie maker.
  3. Cook up a delicious grilled cheese.
  4. Finally, dig into your grilled cheese whilst re-enacting Meg Ryan's famous 'performance'.

Good Will Hunting

If you've seen the film, you'll know about the first date scene between Will and Skylar. The scene shows the couple enjoying burgers in a crowded diner where they later share a kiss for the first time. When re-creating this scene, you'll need:

  • A table, complete with condiments and crockery.
  • Burger ingredients.
  • Grill or oven to cook your burgers.
  • Cocktail ingredients.
  • Speaker.
  1. Decorate your table complete with all your favourite condiments and crockery
  2. Cook up some homemade burgers for both you and your partner to enjoy
  3. Accompany your burgers with some delicious homemade cocktails
  4. To add some hustle and bustle to the atmosphere, play some ambient cafe sound recordings in the background.